Saturday, 7 January 2012

Cost and Management Accountant course in India

Cost and Management Accountant course in India is conducted by the institute of cost and management accountant of india, having its registered office at 12 ,Sudder Street ,KolKata - 700 016
. The institute was formed by a special act of Parliament, namely, the Cost and Works Accountant Act, 1959. With the passing of the act, "The Institute of Cost and works Accountants of India" was established in 1944 and was registered as a company under the Companies act with the objectives of promoting, regulating, and developing the profession of Cost Accountancy.
ICWAI are a premier, dynamic, vibrant professional institution actively associating itself in the industrial and economic development of the nation. It have exclusive right to trained accounts pofessional having specialization costing and management. The profession places itself at the service of the nation, government, industry, and the society to realise the objectives of a welfare state resulting in the prosperity and the well being of its people - a fact increasingly realised with the opening up of the country's economy and change in the economic scenario of the world. In today's world, the profession of conventional accounting and auditing has taken a back seat and accountants increasingly contribute towards the management of scarce resources like funds, land and apply strategic decisions. This has opened up further scope and tremendous opportunities Cost and Works accountants to shoulder responsibility as Cost and Management Accountants in accordance with new dimensions and vision here in India and abroad

Cost and Management Accountant course has three stages to Complete.

1. Foundation Exams(for Non-Graduates)
2. Intermediate Exams
3 .Final Exams

After passing above exams student have to under go industrial training in recognized areas specified by institute to complete the course.

for More information visit at


  1. HI what it the period of industrial training after final exams

  2. HI what it the period of industrial training after final exams
